What is AWS

Amazon Web Services (abbreviated AWS) is a collection of remote computing services (also called web services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet by Amazon.com. The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3.

Well-known Services

  • Amazon EC2 a Amazon service that allows users to create virtual machines and manage other features of servers.
  • Amazon RDS a service to build dedicated instances for databases in a matter of minutes, fully managed by the AWS support team and capable of supporting multiple database engines such as SQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc ...
  • Amazon S3 a object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere – web sites and mobile apps, corporate applications, and data from IoT sensors or devices. It is designed to deliver 99.999999999% durability, and stores data for millions of applications used by market leaders in every industry.